How to Use the Facebook Ad Library the Right Way in 2025 đź“š

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Apr 21, 2022
Jul 19, 2024
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Facebook ad library

The Facebook Ad Library is one of the best ways to spy on your competitors. Learn the top 7 ways you can use this free tool to improve your own Facebook ad campaigns.

It can be challenging to create an exciting and engaging Facebook ad design, especially when you're just starting out.

Luckily for us, the Facebook Ad Library (now called the Meta Ad Library) contains a whole treasure trove of ads from every possible industry, location, and language to solve this exact problem.

In this article, we'll cover what the Facebook Ad Library is, how to access it, and seven simple strategies you can implement right now to improve your campaign results with the tool.

What is the Facebook Ad Library?

Formerly known as the Facebook Ad Archive, the Meta Ad Library is a giant collection of all active ads across the Meta suite of products, including Messenger, Audience Network, and Instagram. While there isn't a separate Instagram Ad Library, you can easily access all active Instagram ads within this tool.

While this tool is a great feature for advertisers (more on that in a minute), it was originally created as a transparency tool after the 2016 Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Even though the tool has a darker history behind it, it still has a wide array of uses that are helpful to advertisers.

The Facebook Ad Library search will give you access to thousands of ads which can be sorted by country, type of ad, and even advertiser.

The Meta (Facebook) Ad Library

Once you've set up your search, you can see the ad details, such as creative and copy, as well as the start date, platform, and ad ID.

Facebook Ad Library - Ad Screenshot

Now that we've learned about the Meta Library, it's time to explore its inner workings and see how you can use it to improve your Facebook ad strategy.

How to access the Facebook Ads Library

There are two main ways to access the Meta Ad Library. The simplest way is to go directly to the URL ( and add your geographical location and other parameters in the search bar to conduct a Facebook ad search by criteria.

You can also get to the Ad Library by viewing any Facebook Page and clicking “See all” under the Page transparency section:

Facebook Page Transparency

Then, select "Go to Ad Library" under the "Ads from this Page" section:

Facebook Page - Ad Library

This method will allow you to go directly to that advertiser's page in the Ad Library tool, but ultimately, both options will get you where you need to go.

How to use the Facebook Ads Library the right way

Knowing how it works is one thing, but let’s learn how we can use these ad examples to better our own campaigns.

1. Search for a brand or by keyword

The easiest (and most common way) to use the Ad Library is to type a brand or a keyword into the search bar. Let's say we're in the shoe market and want to check on what our friends at Nike have been doing.

Ad Library Search

If we type Nike into the search bar, Facebook will present any pages with this name. If we click on any of them, we will be taken to a page with only that advertiser's ads.

If we want to simply search all ads that mention Nike, click on the "search this exact phrase' button, and instead, we'll see any ads by any advertisers who simply mention Nike anywhere in their page name or ad copy.

2. Add a filter

Brand names and general terms are great places to start, but you can also take advantage of Facebook's search filters to refine your query.

Here, you can look for specific media types (like video ads or image ads), refine ads by language, or even single out specific platforms.

Facebook Ad Library filters

3. Analyze the relevant ads

Searching and looking is all good, but if you're not using the Meta Ad Library to analyze the results and strategy of other advertisers, you're missing out on a huge part of the value.

Once you've found some ads that pertain to your business, take a look at them and create a mental checklist of the following items:

  • Study the creative elements used in successful ads, such as images, videos, headlines, and calls to action
  • Observe where advertisers are focusing their ad campaigns geographically

After some analysis, all of the 'random ads' you see will form a clear pattern, giving you nearly instant access to your competitor's marketing strategies.

Looking for specific ad examples?
- Facebook clothing ads
- Real estate Facebook ads
- Jewelry Facebook ads
- Facebook collection ads

How to improve your ads using the Facebook Ad Library

Now that we've covered the basics of the Meta Ad Library, we can dive into some more strategic uses of this ad tool.

I. Spy on your competitors' ads

Corporate espionage has been around since the dawn of commerce—and luckily for us, there's never been an easier time to do it. Here are a couple of great strategies you can use to make the most out of this free spy tool:

  • Look at your competitors' ads and analyze their messaging, visuals, and offers to understand their marketing strategy
  • Learn what type of language and tone are most effective in your industry by analyzing the ad copy used by others
  • See how long specific ads have been running, which can be an indicator of ad success

Once you have noted the above, you can use these insights to improve your campaigns by putting your spin on their strategy.

II. Find new ideas

Even the best artists get a creative block from time to time, and there's no shame in that. If you're stuck in an ad rut, you can use the Facebook Ad Library to grab some inspiration for your next campaign.

To start, look at your competitors' active ads to see what kinds of messages, promotions, or creative elements they are using. Note what seems to be recurring themes or particularly creative ideas.

Observe which formats are being used effectively. Are videos more engaging? Are carousel ads being used to showcase products? Understanding popular formats can guide the design of your campaigns.

That being said, you don't need to limit your search to your immediate competitors. Explore ads from related sectors or even completely different industries for creative concepts that could be adapted to your niche.

Once you've found some ads that you enjoy, save screenshots or links to them. Building a collection of ideas can serve as a resource when brainstorming new campaign concepts.

Be sure to make it a habit to regularly visit the Ad Library to stay updated with the latest advertising trends and tactics. The landscape can change quickly, and staying informed is key to maintaining a competitive edge.

III. Identify seasonal trends

In the Meta Ads Library, pumpkin spice season can last all year (or at least it does in my heart).

Given that Q4 is one of the biggest quarters for growth and sales, prepping for the season needs to start in summer at the bare minimum. To prep for that season, you can use the Ad Library to identify season trends before you ever hit launch.

To identify seasonal trends using the Meta Ads Library, you begin by searching for competitors or leading brands in your industry. Conversely, you can always use holiday-specific terms like Halloween, Christmas, holidays, etc.

Once you have identified a relevant page or term, you can explore the active and historical ads advertisers have run. Pay special attention to the periods that lead up to seasonal events, such as holidays, back-to-school seasons, or major sporting events.

seasonal trends - Meta Ad Library

Once there, you can analyze the changes in advertising themes, messaging, and creative elements during these times. For example, you might notice an increase in thematic visuals or promotional offers that align with an approaching holiday. This analysis provides valuable insights into how businesses pivot their marketing strategies to engage with consumers during key shopping or event periods.

Using the date range filters available in the Ads Library helps pinpoint when certain campaigns were launched and how long they ran, giving you an idea of the campaign’s lifecycle around specific seasonal peaks.

IV. Analyze your own ads

As Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." You might not realize where your faults lie without turning a sharp, critical eye inward to your ads.

To that end, looking up your ads (either inside the Ad library or inside of Ads Manager) and comparing them to your competitors or other advertisers in your industry side-by-side can be helpful. If you can't be an impartial judge of your ads, taking these comparison images to other team members who aren't as invested in ads can also help shine some light on how outside parties see your ads.

As advertisers, we're all guilty of creating ads that flop. But by taking the time to review and analyze them from a neutral point of view, we can improve the faults in our designs and work our way to creating better quality (and better converting) Meta ads.

Interesting read: How to make a Facebook ad

Save inspiring ads with Madgicx’s Ad Library

The Meta Ads Library is a fantastic resource, that's true—but it isn't without its flaws:

  • There's no way to save specific ads to a gallery—you must either take a screenshot or send the link (which can expire) to your colleagues
  • Limited filters prevent users from being able to dive deeper into format and industry parameters
  • Searching by ad copy typically doesn't generate as many results as searching for a brand name

For all those reasons (and many more), your friends here at Madgicx created a better version of the Ads Library. ;)

With the Madgicx Ad Library, you get access to the same great Meta ads but with enhanced search and collection features.

Madgicx Ad Library

Instead of a folder with hundreds of unorganized images, you can quickly save your ads to Pinterest-style boards and share them with your design team, marketing team, or clients—even if they don't have a Madgicx account.

Madgicx Ad Library

(P.S. If you don't have a design team, you can send off any design requests to Sparkle, the in-house design team at Madgicx, and we'll send your design in as little as 24 hours.)

If that wasn't enough, Madgicx has better search features than the Ad Library—including a new industry search category, the ability to provide better results when looking for text in copy, ad size, and the ability to refine by the specific creative type (carousel, short-form video, etc.).

Madgicx Ad Library vs Facebook Ad Library

The best part? You can get access to all of these features for only $9/month after your free trial. ;)

Facebook Ad Library FAQ

How to know if a Facebook page is running ads?

To determine if a specific Facebook page is running ads, you can search for its brand name on the Facebook Ad Library, which provides a transparent way to view all active ads across Facebook products.

Does the Facebook Ad Library show all ads?

The Facebook Ad Library only shows active ads. However, ads related to politics, elections, social issues, and issues of national importance will be shown regardless of active status.

How do I see ads from a Facebook Page?

If you want to see ads from a specific Facebook Page, simply:

  1. Go to the Facebook Ad Library website directly by navigating to
  2. Use the search bar at the top of the Ad Library page. You can search by the page's name, topics, or other keywords related to the page or its ads.
  3. The search results will list various Pages. Click on the name of the Page you are interested in to view more details.
  4. Once on the Page’s specific section in the Ad Library, you can see if there are any active ads. If the Page is running ads, they will be displayed here along with details such as the ad’s content, start date, and any regions where the ads are being shown.
  5. You can use filters to narrow down the types of ads you see (e.g., country or ad type). This can be particularly useful if the Page runs many ads or if you're looking for ads in specific categories.


Throughout this article, we've walked you through the ins and outs of the Meta Ads Library, unpacked what treasures you can dig up in its digital vault, and shared tips on how to strategically navigate its features. By tapping into the Library, marketers can snag some insights into the latest ad trends, keep an eye on the competition, and find that spark of creativity that's key to boosting your ad campaigns.

Getting the most out of the Meta Ads Library isn't just about knowing where to click—it's about knowing what to look for in that ocean of data. When you dive into the Library, it's crucial to zero in on what’s relevant and how to apply that info to your strategies.

And since Facebook ads will be worth it for a long time to come, it’s best to start now.

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Search, Save, Brief, and Launch with the Madgicx Ad Library

Tired of your creative rut? With Madgicx Ad Library, you can easily categorize, save, and access your favorite ads anytime, ensuring you never lose a creative spark again. Whether you're looking to boost your ad inspiration or refine your advertising strategy, Madgicx Ad Library is your go-to resource for staying ahead.

Try now for $0
Facebook Ads
Apr 21, 2022
Jul 19, 2024
Tory Wenger

Tory Wenger is a marketing operations whiz with 10+ years of experience mastering CRM optimization, digital marketing, and event strategy. A certified HubSpot, Facebook, and Google expert, her work has been spotlighted on top platforms like Hootsuite, AdEspresso, and Databox. When she’s not crafting winning strategies, you’ll find her gardening or painting in her home in the Florida panhandle.

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